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Why it is Important to Not Neglect Waxing Your Vehicle

Why it is Important to Not Neglect Waxing Your Vehicle

The vehicle care experts at Royal Oak Nissan in Calgary, AB want you to understand how to best care for your car. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate to you how to clean and maintain your vehicle at optimal levels. One of the best ways to keep the exterior of your vehicle looking like it just rolled off the lot is through the use of regular waxing.

Car waxes come in a variety of forms, ranging from natural elements such as the wax on the leaves of the carnauba plant or palm wax to synthetic waxes made from silicone products.

The primary purpose of car wax is to form a protective barrier between the clearcoat and the exterior elements. This wax protects the paint from UV rays, pollution, and water. The protective elements of wax repel water so that the environmental impurities in the water do not damage the body of the vehicle.

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